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Found 3 results

  1. ThunderBolt is Harley Quinn

      This is something that I noticed while reading the Revamped Sonic Comics.. Dr. Eggman's Egg Legion/Egg Bosses (who are Mobian/Anthros  working for him as his lieutenants) each serve him for different reasons. Some are being blackmailed, others serve due to some empty promise. and, some ever do so because they LIKE being bad. But, Thunderbolt stands out among the rest. for simply serving Eggman because she is (obsessively) in love with him. coupled with her explosive attitude (and, Eggman's "ignorance" at her feelings) she seems to me to be Archie Sonic's equivalent to DC's Harley Quinn. (you know, if Harley was some kind of Pikachu parody, or something.) On a side note, the fact that Thunderbolt (an Anthropomorphic Chinchilla) IS madly in love with Eggman (a human) means this technically counts as an interspecies pairing/romance. albeit One-sided on Thunderbolt's case. Normally, any anthro character in love with Eggman would be weird (in fact, GAG worthy, if we all still remember what Eggman was like   as Robotnik on SatAM, AoSTH and even SU.) but, Thunderbolt physically matches Eggman in terms of being..Hefty. So, in THIS case..I guess it works.
  2. Shadaze Motivational

      Somewhere, people are writing a fanfic about Blaze running away with Shadow on a cross-country trip on his motorcycle..   Okay, even though I don't "ship" this pairing,  I can understand why so many people do. both Shadow and Blaze have similar personalities. both are strict, and take important matters VERY seriously. I don't think I have EVER seen any of them crack a smile that wasn't "malicious", or "mocking" they are quite powerful (one is a pyrokinetic, the other is supercharged with Chaos Energy.) and, both have gotten into a fight with Sonic when they first met him. So, they have ALOT in common. I may not "fully" support It. but, I support It's supporters. Sorry, Sonaze/Silvaze and Shadria/Shadouge fans..you have competition.
  3. E-123 Omega Humor

    This is a panel taken from the 'Treasure Team Tango' story arc from 'Sonic Universe' which depicted the warbot E-123 OMEGA's character rather amusingly. first he is attracted to Blaze the Cat on account that she "burns stuff" THEN, he's concerned over hurting Cream the Rabbit, and her chao "Cheese." Kinda OOC for those who are more familiar with the videogame version of the character. as OMEGA is a destructive, trigger happy robot who borderlines psychotic on occasion. So, OMEGA being worried about "popping off the heads" of a bunny girl, and her pet is odd. (then again, It was revealed in the comic canon that OMEGA's processor   was melded with that of E-102 GAMMA, which might explain why he has a conscious.) Still..Funny. I guess even killer robots has a weakness for 'cute' things.
